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Monday, September 22, 2014


Attention Next Objectivsts & Interested Parties

The workshop will be performing two variations on "Made in the USA," or collaboratively written and performed PUBLIC POEM about events in Ferguson.

Please join us, as participant, observer or participant-observer @ the following venues:

Saturday, 27 Sept. 7:00 pm
Outer Space Studio: 1474 N. Milwaukee.

Sunday, 12 Oct. 4-6pm
@ Powell’s Books, 1218 S. Halsted St.

Events are free, open to the public. Remember: it's never too late to join the Next Objectivists. Send a messageto if you'd like to participate!



  1. Disini kami menjual Obat Sipilis herbal Gang Jie dan Gho Siah dari De Nature Indonesia yang diformulasikan kusus dengan kandungan herbal alami yang berkasiat, mampu mengobati penyakit sipilis, gonore, dan keputihan berlebih secara efektif tanpa menimbulkan efek samping. Selain terbuat dari bahan herbal, obat tersebut juga telah terdaftar dan teruji klinis oleh BPOM Ri jadi sudah terbukti ampuh. Dijamin dalam waktu 3-5 hari penyakit sipilis yang anda alami dapat disembuhkan.

  2. Just as there's only 2 positions
    for a light switch, UP or DOWN,
    the on position is pointing skyward...
    while the off position is pointing
    toward our demise, to the whorizontal.

    Many analogies we might surmise
    of that proposition... yet,
    only 1 belief in the King of Hearts
    who gives U.S. His Magnificent Light.

    If that's too difficult 4u2c,
    here's what I suggest:
    I suggest you getta pair of GodlySpex
    from the Divine Physician.

    God bless your indelible soul.
    Yes, earthling, I was an NDE...
